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Spectacular Stories for Curious Kids Sports Edition (Paperback)

Spectacular Stories for Curious Kids Sports Edition (Paperback)

Regular price $12.99 USD
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🚩 Here’s what readers say:

“This book is so great and I enjoy reading it with my son. Each story is fascinating, even if you aren’t huge into sports. Definitely a winner!”

“This is a fascinating read. I wasn't prepared for the excellent quality of the storytelling. But I was hooked from the first page.Each tale is interesting, each a joy. Buy this excellent book for every boy and girl in your family.”

“This is yet another great book in the "Spectacular Stories..." series, bringing a myriad of tales to life in a brief but engaging way. Even if you're not a sports fan, you may find these stories quite enjoyable.”

“Interesting, little known stories. I love this author's series and strongly recommend all of them for my students. I'm always looking for interesting, culturally relevant nonfiction content and cannot wait to make lessons using these texts. Very different from any other sports biographies out there.”

“Very entertaining book for my son – both of us were surprised to learn about Abraham Lincoln’s “wrestling side” (who would’ve thought!), Hughie Jennings who holds the record for number of times being hit in the head with a baseball, Jockey Ralph Neves who fell from his horse and was pronounced dead only to come back to life the next day to ride another race! Well written, engaging, interesting, humorous – and truly a great conversation starter for family dinners.”

“I was so excited to see another SPECTACULAR STORIES book!! These stories are perfect for the quick read aloud, but also approachable enough that middle grade kids can read them themselves. And sports?? Come ON! There are SO many reluctant readers who will LEAP at the chance to read fun stories about sports! Interesting, educational, approachable, and inspiring! You can't lose with this series! This is the book parents and grandparents should conveniently place around the house and then see who picks it up.”

“We got this book as a present from friends for my sports-obsessed 8 year old a few months ago, and he and I have been thoroughly enjoying it! We read a story a night, and even me, a huge sports fan, didn't know about most of these events. The Russian athlete who saved 20 people from drowning, the Steelers fan who made it into the locker room at the Super Bowl, and so many more inspiring and interesting stories are in this book. Highly recommend it!”

“My favorite was the story of the horse who lost 113 races in Japan. Don't worry, It has a happy ending. The book is informative and fun and if your kid is curious about sports, this is the book for them.”

“A very entertaining collection of amazing stories and facts. This feels like a perfect book for a kid to bring on vacation, especially for waiting out long car rides or airplane trips. This would especially ring true with kids who love sports, who are often reluctant to pick up a book. The stories touch on positive qualities and promote attributes that kids garner from a positive sporting experience.”

“Relatable stories to teach kids resilience and persistence. In this book the author continues a great series of books. Every story has a lesson or moral. Within the context of sport, the author focuses on learning a range of good qualities, overcoming obstacles, and commitment to a goal.”

đź“• The Most Thrilling & Inspiring Stories Are Sports Stories.
Loving sports ignites our passions and dreams.

The stories in this book are the wildest and most spectacular sports stories you’ll find anywhere.

The stories filling these 226 pages inspire awe and fascination in both reluctant readers as well as budding aficionados of the written word.

Anyone who reads these pages will come to understand this quote from Kobe Bryant. “Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they’ve taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences.”

Get this book today and ignite your child's passion for reading and learning.
Fascination is an incredible gift.

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